Trials and case studies
Have a look through all the trials we have conducted around New Zealand with real farmers.
Sclerotinia in Kiwifruit
Trial TripleX
BioGro, New Zealand’s largest and best-known certifier for organic produce and products, has published one of our trials of TripleX and Sclerotinia in Kiwifruit.
We pitted Foliacin against a competitor’s product to see which had the greater impact on cherry cracking and yield. You can read all of the details in our trial sheet.
Turn thatch into an asset
Browntop thatch covers top soil choking out ryegrass and clover. Use ThatchBusta to convert thatch into humus and promote clover growth.
Organic Grapes
A single application of Karbyon on Sauvignon Blanc grapes at budbreak in Marlborough reduced Powdery Mildew infection by 62% in late January.
Vegetables, cover crops and general crop trash
BioStart Digester is a soil microbial stimulator that activates those beneficial, naturally occurring…
Increase milk solids
Trial LactoPlus
In an independent trial conducted in Southland, 2004/2005 season across two farms it was found LactoPlus increased milk solids by 3–5%.
Royal Gala Apples
Trial Mycorrcin
Mycorrcin was used in a Hawkes Bay apple orchard, resulting in 12% more apples at the first major commercial harvest – amongst other benefits.
Technical sheet Mycorrcin
A Mycorrcin program was used on a newly established avocado orchard in Maungatapere, Northland. Trees were examined and analysed over a 36 month period.
Lettuce trial
Trial Mycorrcin
Analysing a series of trials conducted in commercial crops in New Zealand and Australia, demonstrated that Mycorrcin increases lettuce head size…
Trial Mycorrcin
A trial located on a 10 ha paddock in Ohakune, shows that Mycorrcin used on a commercial carrot crop can improve carrot yield, reduce rejects and increase profits.
Trial Mycorrcin Organic Mycorrcin
Northland trials showed that Mycorrcin-treated kumara crops had a higher plant survival rate, higher kumara tuber weights and improved marketable kumara yield.
Vegetable seedlings
Trial Mycorrcin Organic Mycorrcin
Trials on broccoli, lettuce and cauliflower seedlings treated with Mycorrcin showed greater root development and bigger, sturdier and more uniform seedling size.
Trial Mycorrcin Biostart N
The trial focussed on the application of Mycorrcin and Biostart N on two kale crops sown on two commercial dairy farms in the Ashburton region, Canterbury.