
Gentle organic treatment for powdery mildew and sooty mould.

Powdery mildew and sooty mould can damage crops and make fruit less marketable.  Bad infections can slow down photosynthesis and plant growth.

Karbyon is a gentle organic treatment for powdery mildew and sooty mould. This fungicide uses unique encapsulation technology and a potassium bicarbonate key ingredient to change the pH level of the leaf surface, causing disruption to the growth of the disease fungal mycelia.

Use Karbyon to control powdery mildew in:

  • Grapes
  • Berries
  • Vegetables
  • Fodder beet
  • Forage brassica
  • Citrus
  • Ornamentals

Use Karbyon to control sooty mould in:

  • Citrus

Before and after

Karbyon is a low toxicity solution, reducing the risk of fungicide resistance as part of an IPM strategy and does not require additional wetters or spreaders.

Karbyon is certified organic.

Karbyon Powdery Mildew Control Organic Grape Trial
A single bud break application of Karbyon reduced the incidence of powdery mildew infection by 62% in late January
Read more

Directions for use:

  • Ensure good spray coverage to run-off for optimal disease control. Sprayers should be calibrated before use.
  • Under some conditions, Karbyon can cause phytotoxic effects on plant leaves.  Apply a small amount of the product to susceptible plants and observe for 48 h before spraying the rest of the crop.
  • Withholding period: Nil
  • Restraints: DO NOT spray under conditions that give slow drying i.e. high humidity, cool temperatures. DO NOT spray early morning, late evening, or during the hours of darkness. These conditions may give rise to phytotoxic damage to plant or fruit. DO NOT spray plants under stress. As Biostart is not able to test on every plant species and variety, it is recommended that growers test the product on their plants prior to treating large areas, particularly when using higher rates.

Crop specific information

Disease Crop – Application rate Other instructions
Powdery Mildew Grapes: 1–2 kg/100 L
Berries: 1–2 kg/100 L
Vegetables: 3–5 kg/ha
Cereals: 3–5 kg/ha
Fodder beet & forage brassica: 2.5–5 kg/ha
Citrus & Ornamentals: 1–2 kg/100 L
For prevention and control of low-level infections of powdery mildew, apply at the lower rate at 10-15-day intervals. When disease pressure is high or infection is severe, apply at the higher rate at 7–10 day intervals until disease is controlled.
Sooty mould Citrus: 1–2 kg/100 L For the prevention and control of low-level infections of sooty mould, apply at the lower rate at 10–15-day intervals. When disease pressure is high or infection is severe, apply at the higher rate at 7–10 day intervals until disease is controlled.

If your crop isn’t included above, please contact your local BioStart representative for personalised information.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Download the material safety data sheet.

Label information

Download the Karbyon product label.

General recommendation

For prevention and control of low infections of disease apply Karbyon at 1 kg/100 L. When disease pressure is high, or infection is severe apply Karbyon at 2 kg/100 L. DO NOT apply Karbyon in a high concentrated spray.


DO NOT spray under conditions that give slow drying i.e. high humidity, cool temperatures. DO NOT spray early morning, late evening, or during the hours of darkness. These conditions may give rise to phytotoxic damage to plant or fruit. DO NOT spray plants under stress from wet or dry conditions.

Notice to user

Due to variability within species and in application techniques and equipment, and possible tank mix combinations, neither the manufacturer nor the seller has determined whether Karbyon can be safely used on all varieties and species of plants under all conditions. The user should therefore determine if Karbyon can be used safely before broad usage, by applying the prescribed use rate under the conditions expected to be encountered to a small test area. Any adverse effects should be visible within 14 days. The addition of surfactant or wetting agent to spray is not required as Karbyon is pre-formulated with these products for best performance. DO NOT mix Karbyon with other soluble pesticides or fertilizers. Karbyon is not compatible with mild alkaline solutions. DO NOT adjust spray solution pH after mixing of product. Acidification of solution will cause reduced product performance.

It is an offence to use this product on animals.

Mixing instructions

Half fill the spray tank with water and while mixing slowly add the required amount of Karbyon, then top up with water. Application Note: Ensure good spray coverage to run off for optimum disease control. Sprayers should be calibrated before use.

Withholding period


Storage instructions

Store below 35°C. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep container tightly closed. DO NOT store diluted product. Hazardous Classification: 6.4A, 9.1D. Use of this product in any manner contrary to this label may be an offence under the HSNO Act.

HARMFUL Keep out of reach of children. May be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin. May cause eye irritation. Avoid contamination of any water supply with product or empty container.

Designed for biocidal action against fungal diseases.

Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.

Label information

Download the Karbyon product label.

Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.


Tested amino alcohols free