
Preserve silage by stimulating the beneficial naturally occurring, ensiling bacteria.

>> Looking for the organic version?

A biological silage preservative activates the ensiling bacteria to preserve good quality maize and reduces the yeasts and fungi that can spoil it.

SilageKing is a mixture of fermentation extracts, nutrients and microbial stimulants that delivers dual-action benefits for feed quality, including:

  • Activating beneficial ensiling bacteria on forage to produce the lactic and acetic acids required to properly ensile grass and cereal
  • Inhibiting the growth of microbes such as yeasts and fungi that use up valuable energy in the forage, are responsible for heating of opened bales and silage pits, and can produce mycotoxins that affect animal health.

Designed and manufactured in New Zealand specifically for and with Kiwi farmers and contractors, SilageKing comes in 3 forms:

  • An easy-to-store and apply liquid, requiring no dilution prior to application through one of our custom Ascot Pump applicators with in-cab control and volume monitor.
  • Granules applied through our Ascot Pumps Granule Applicator with in-cab control.
  • SilageKingHV, a high-volume SilageKing for application through inbuilt applicators on forage harvesters.

Alternatively, you can contact a Biostart team member to discuss your specific application needs.

Biostart SilageKing works best with good silage-making practices, including:

  • Harvesting your crop when the whole plant matter is between 25–35%.
  • Tightly compacting and securing your pit silage stack with a weighted cover quickly to exclude air.


Feed more cows per bale
Trials reveal how Biostart SilageKing improves both the preservation
and quality of baled grass silage
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Colton Bros Ltd Testimonial
Rob and Rachel are managers and shareholders in Colton Bros Ltd, a silage and maize grain contracting business in the Wairarapa…
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Scott’s Ag Contracting
Scott’s Ag Contracting in Carterton are long-time users of Biostart products, and it is a given, when their farmers order grass silage, that it will be treated with SilageKing.
Read more

Directions for use

Product Timing Application
SilageKing Liquid Standard round bales when whole plant matter is between 25–35% 90 mL per bale
Pit silage when whole plant matter is between 25–35% 150 mL per wet tonne
SilageKing Granules Standard round bales when whole plant matter is between 25–35% 100 g per bale
Pit silage when whole plant matter is between 25–35% 170 g per wet tonne
SilageKingHV High volume application 350 ml/wet tonne
Our 1000 L pack treats 2,857 wet tonnes of plant matter.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Download the SilageKing Liquid material safety data sheet or the SilageKing Granules material safety data sheet.

Label information

Download the SilageKing product label or the SilageKing HV label.

Handling precautions

When applying product avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear protective clothing, gloves and goggles. Flush the liquid applicator thoroughly with water after use. Clean out the granule applicator with compressed air.  Do not eat or drink while using products. Wash hands and face before meals and after work. Wash protective clothing after use.

Storage instructions

Store out of direct sunlight and below 30°C, otherwise, product efficacy may be affected.

Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.

Label information

Download the SilageKing product label or the SilageKing HV label.

Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.