Biostart N

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria to improve plant-available nitrogen levels in soil.

Nitrogen is essential for plant growth but it can be difficult to provide a steady supply without unwanted run-off.

The biological approach uses nitrogen fixing bacteria which create a steady continuous supply of nitrogen.

BioStart N contains the naturally occurring  nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter chroococcum – which converts atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available ammonium nitrogen in the soil.

Once introduced to the soil, the Nitrogen fixing bacteria in BioStart N provide nitrogen over a prolonged period (unlike conventional nitrogen fertilisers) and work in sync with the plant’s growth periods.


Biostart N Trial Results: Maize from Lionel Dodd’s farm 2013, treated on the left and untreated on the right.

Use Biostart N to:

  • Provide a steady daily supply of nitrogen to your plants
  • Support sustainable plant growth long term
  • Reduce conventional nitrogen runoff
  • Reduce conventional nitrogen fertiliser use.

BioStart N is certified organic and made in New Zealand. Each 500 mL bottle contains a concentrate of approximately 100 billion Nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Maize trial
Biostart N increased maize yield by 22% in this Manawatu trial.
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Maize trial
In this Bay of Plenty trial Biostart N and Digester were used to increase yield with fewer units of conventional nitrogen fertiliser used.
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Kale and fodder beet trial
A Southland farm used Mycorrcin and Biostart N to increase yields
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Canterbury kale trial
A combination of Biostart N and Mycorccin was used, improving yield and profitability.
Read more


Directions for use:

Time of use: Use the whole bottle immediately after opening (or within 24 hours) as the product can become contaminated by other microbes after opening. BioStart takes no responsibility for opened product that is not used immediately.

Time of application: Apply in the late afternoon or under cloud cover when the incidence of UV rays is reduced and preferably before a rain event.

Maximising activity in the field: Ensure that the soils to be treated have sufficient molybdenum and iron, are not water-logged, have good aeration, and adequate levels of organic matter. Co-application with BioStart Mycorrcin or Digester will help in adverse soil conditions.

Water Rate: Apply BioStart N in a minimum of 200 L/ha of water.

Crop specific information

Crop timing Application rate
Maize and cereal crops, post-harvest crop trash Apply 100 mL/ha directly on to the soil during or after crop trash incorporation.
Maize, green feed crops and new pasture at sowing Apply 100 mL/ha directly on to the soil.
Established pasture in spring Immediately after grazing apply 100 mL/ha.
Pipfruit, grapes and citrus At green tip apply 200 mL/ha.
Post-harvest apply 200 mL/ha.
Kiwifruit and stonefruit At budbreak apply 100 mL/ha.
Post-flowering apply 200 mL/ha.
Post-harvest apply 200 mL/ha.

If your crop isn’t included above, please contact your local BioStart representative for personalised information.

Material Safety Data Sheet

Download the material safety data sheet.

Label information

Download the BioStart N product label.

Product mixing

BioStart N contains living microbes. Prior to use, the spray tank must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any contaminating microbes and chemical residues that could be toxic to the Biostart N microbe. Add BioStart N to the tank last, after all of the other inputs have been diluted. Use a slow agitation rate to mix and reduce foaming during application. Do not exceed 60 psi.

Handling precautions

When mixing or applying, avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective clothing, gloves and goggles. Flush applicator thoroughly with water after use. Do not eat or drink while using. Wash hands and face before meals and after work. Wash protective clothing after use.

Storage instructions

Keep out of reach of children. Keep container tightly closed. Use within 24 hours of opening.

Withholding period


Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.

Label information

Download the BioStart N product label.

Empty container disposal

Triple rinse and return to an approved recycling centre.